
Showing posts from February, 2021


      Hi, Welcome to my blog! This is where I post my artwork! 🎨❤ ***PS: Please ignore the dates, they are not accurate. I changed them to put my pieces in a certain order! ***PPS: If you want to look at the full picture, press read more. If you press read more, don't forget to press the back arrow after you are done reading to see my other artworks! (Directly scrolling down without pressing back won't let you see all my artworks).


  This pencil sketch of a skull mainly focuses on the different parts of the face! (This was a life drawing)


      This is an acrylic painting of a Moraine lake in Canada. As you can see, I mostly used the colors purple, orange, and blue. This tri-colored painting helps bring out the details and creates a nice blend with the different shades of colors. 🌊

A Sweet Treat 😋

 This is an acrylic art piece mainly focusing on color theory and texture!🎂🥛🍓

My Self-portrait

       This is my self-portrait and it represents my ability to help and communicate with others. I hope that with these skills, I can help more people get along and connect with each other!

A Little Trip

       This pencil piece that I drew represents the theme travel. From the left to right, the plane ticket and brochures represent the places I've been to. The shoes represent footsteps and how everywhere I go, there will always be a special memory that reminds me of that place. Finally, the stuffed animal symbolizes memory because when I was little, I used to take it with me everywhere I go. I will always cherish and remember these memories.


  This is an ear that I drew based off of a sculpture! 👂

Portrait practice

  This is a front view portrait I drew based off another drawing in an art book. I am especially happy with the proportions of the face!

Me v3

  This is a graphite drawing of me. I tried to make the tones more contrasted so it looked like there was a harsh light.


       A little hand study that I drew a while back 👋


  Some quick late night sketches!


  Another 3/4 portrait practice. This was a piece with very strong lighting so the darks were really dark. 

Microphone- wait, bird?

       This pen drawing is showing a microphone turning into a bird. It was such an interesting and fun project to create! 🎤🐦


  This is a stuffed animal I drew during quarantine. It represents the loneliness and uncertainty in the world.


  This is a three-quarters/front portrait of a woman in a portrait book. The hardest part for me was the hair, but it turned out pretty good!

Figure Drawing

  These are some gestures I drew in figure drawing class!

Cupcake 😋

  This is a casual pencil portrait of me eating a cupcake! It was very good.

A Virtual Trip 🚄

     This is a colleague that I drew in quarantine. Since we couldn't go anywhere, my family and I played a board game to kill time. That reminded us of our vacation in Mexico last year. I decided to pretend that the game would lead us back!

Washing Machine

       This is a rough pencil drawing of my washing machine. I thought all the drapery in the clothes would create a nice texture!